A curated list of the most commonly asked questions
Is the valuation applicable to my company (industry, company size, etc.)?
How to value a holding company with subsidiaries
Can Equidam value my company assets (e.g. IP or goodwill)?
What information do I need to complete a valuation report?
For which uses is the Equidam valuation methodology suitable?
Will investors recognize the valuation?
Can Equidam value my company in case I want to sell it?
Is Equidam available in my country?
How long would it take for Equidam to complete a valuation?
Why is the default for the WACC premium Zero?
Valuation Delta Analysis: Benchmarking your valuation
Reference Multiples for each Startup Stage
Do I need a 409A valuation for my company?
Customize your reports
Which valuation parameters can I customize with the Advanced Settings?
Can I compute different scenarios for the same valuation?
Can I value Real Estate companies on Equidam?
How to upload financials from Excel
Multiple Benchmarks explained
How do we estimate the Funding Secured metric