Is the valuation applicable to my company (industry, company size, etc.)?
How to value a holding company with subsidiaries
Can Equidam value my company assets (e.g. IP or goodwill)?
What information do I need to complete a valuation report?
For which uses is the Equidam valuation methodology suitable?
Will investors recognize the valuation?
Can Equidam value my company in case I want to sell it?
Is Equidam available in my country?
How long would it take for Equidam to complete a valuation?
Why is the default for the WACC premium Zero?
Valuation Delta Analysis: Benchmarking your valuation
Reference Multiples for each Startup Stage
Do I need a 409A valuation for my startup?
Do I need an EMI valuation for my startup?
Valuation for ESOP schemes (including Phantom Shares) in Spain
Valuation for ESOP schemes (including SARs) in the Netherlands
Valuation for ESOP schemes (including Phantom Shares) in Estonia
Valuation for ESOP schemes (including Phantom Shares) in Lithuania